Fire alarm and evacuation systems
At Altebra, a separate department is dedicated to fire detection, alarm and evaluation systems. These are often deployed independently of sprinkler systems, although they can be combined with these if desired.
Fire detection
Fire alarm systems provide information on the location of the fire to enable a rapid and effective response. They activate the fire suppression system, report the location of the fire and notify staff and fire department. Various fire detection systems with differing functionality are available to ensure a good connection with the fire suppression system.

Smoke ventilation
Installing a smoke ventilation system in a room or building is advisable to minimise additional damage caused by smoke. Extracting smoke and heat in the event of fire keeps evacuation routes accessible for longer, facilitates suppression and reduces smoke damage.
Gas detection
High-tech gas detection systems are able to detect increased concentrations of smoke and other harmful gases in the air. As an integral part of the safety system, gas detectors warn staff and users when permitted smoke and gas concentrations are exceeded. There is a large number of different types of gas detection. The Altebra specialists can provide in-depth advice.